Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Steve Clemons: "... Bush's leak makes all other leak controversies look small. This is an administration that has actually gone back to the National archives to reclassify declassified information. This administation is obsessed with creating fortresses around secrets, and then the "top dog", as Karl Rove has called him, went and leaked highly classified material."

Truthout: "The new information that surfaced late Wednesday places President Bush at the center of the probe for the first time since the investigation into the leak began more than two years ago and raises new questions as to whether Bush knew in advance the lengths to which senior White House officials went to discredit Wilson."

Slate: "Now we learn that the president himself is a leaker. We've always known that the commander-in-chief's distaste for leaking didn't stop it from happening (as it has in every administration), but this is the first time we appear to have direct evidence that Bush had his hand on the siphon."

Maryscott O'Connor:" The President of the United States has broken the law, he has lied to the American people repeatedly and he arrogantly and defiantly claims the right to do so based on specious interpretations of the War Powers Act of 1973. "

v Larry Johnson:" If we can impeach a President for lying about a blow job from an intern, the time has come to impeach a President from giving the American people a line of bullshit about Iraq used to justify a war that has left almost 2400 American soldiers dead. George Bush did not leak to protect America. He leaked to cover his ass. That, my friends, is the definition of a coward."


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