Lowdown On Bush's Un-American Activities:
"There are a thousand other cuts that the Bushites are making to America's Bill of Rights, the rule of law and separation of powers. Theirs has become, for example, the most secret government in our history, spending billions of tax dollars a year to classify millions of even mundane documents, issuing executive fiats to deny "We The People" access to crucial public information under right-to-know laws, and trying to make it a federal crime not only to leak internal executive information (unless, of course, the White House does the leaking), but also to receive any leaked info."

Note To Formerly Free Press: Gonzales Gonna Git You:
"On Sunday, Alberto Gonzales told ABC's "This Week" that he would consider prosecuting reporters who ... break news about President Bush's terrorist surveillance program ... Now, we have the FBI trying to get the papers of the late columnist Jack Anderson ... Gonzales's comment, combined with the past, make you wonder when we are going to hear about a Nixonian enemies list ... Watergate masterminds actually thought about killing Anderson with LSD, and Attorney General John Mitchell threatened Katharine Graham, the late Washington Post publisher, by saying she would have her breast caught in a wringer."
Bush Delivers For Corporate Paymasters:
"President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority ... to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations ... Administration officials told BusinessWeek that they believe this is the first time a President has ever delegated the authority to someone outside the Oval Office."
Is "Cultivating Competition" Making Us Safer?
"Negroponte will use Hayden to gore Rumsfeld, Stephen Cambone, and William Boykin. And some in the White House -- a bit frustrated that Rumsfeld is not "removable" at this time, as one staffer told me -- do not mind cultivating a bit of competition among the President's intel rivals. This helps give the President some latitude beyond Rumsfeld and is, in general, a smart move that also may be good for the country."
Save Us From This Madman!
"President George Bush's tactics ... have made the United States comparable to Augusto Pinochet's Chile and Hafez Assad's Syria in its acceptance of torture and disregard of legal restraints ... Outsourcing unsavory jobs to largely untrained contractors, without contractual restrictions or legal restraints ... has helped create virtually a rule-free zones sanctioned with the American flag and fire power ... US included alongside China, Russia, Columbia, Uzbekistan and others as states that claim anti-terrorism to justify gross violations ..."
Studs "Tell The President To Bugger Off!" Terkel:
"Having been blacklisted from working in television during the McCarthy era, I know the harm of government using private corporations to intrude into the lives of innocent Americans."
(n.b. - see Studs' Daily Show appearance here.)
Colbert To Delay's Rescue:
"A good sign that Tom DeLay doesn’t have the facts on his side: the top source for his latest defense against his critics is Stephen Colbert ... DeLay’s legal defense fund sent out a mass email criticizing the movie “The Big Buy: Tom DeLay’s Stolen Congress,” by “Outfoxed” creator Robert Greenwald. The email features a “one-pager on the truth behind Liberal Hollywood’s the Big Buy,” and the lead item is Colbert’s interview with Greenwald on Comedy Central."
"There are a thousand other cuts that the Bushites are making to America's Bill of Rights, the rule of law and separation of powers. Theirs has become, for example, the most secret government in our history, spending billions of tax dollars a year to classify millions of even mundane documents, issuing executive fiats to deny "We The People" access to crucial public information under right-to-know laws, and trying to make it a federal crime not only to leak internal executive information (unless, of course, the White House does the leaking), but also to receive any leaked info."

Note To Formerly Free Press: Gonzales Gonna Git You:
"On Sunday, Alberto Gonzales told ABC's "This Week" that he would consider prosecuting reporters who ... break news about President Bush's terrorist surveillance program ... Now, we have the FBI trying to get the papers of the late columnist Jack Anderson ... Gonzales's comment, combined with the past, make you wonder when we are going to hear about a Nixonian enemies list ... Watergate masterminds actually thought about killing Anderson with LSD, and Attorney General John Mitchell threatened Katharine Graham, the late Washington Post publisher, by saying she would have her breast caught in a wringer."
Bush Delivers For Corporate Paymasters:
"President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority ... to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations ... Administration officials told BusinessWeek that they believe this is the first time a President has ever delegated the authority to someone outside the Oval Office."
Is "Cultivating Competition" Making Us Safer?
"Negroponte will use Hayden to gore Rumsfeld, Stephen Cambone, and William Boykin. And some in the White House -- a bit frustrated that Rumsfeld is not "removable" at this time, as one staffer told me -- do not mind cultivating a bit of competition among the President's intel rivals. This helps give the President some latitude beyond Rumsfeld and is, in general, a smart move that also may be good for the country."
Save Us From This Madman!
"President George Bush's tactics ... have made the United States comparable to Augusto Pinochet's Chile and Hafez Assad's Syria in its acceptance of torture and disregard of legal restraints ... Outsourcing unsavory jobs to largely untrained contractors, without contractual restrictions or legal restraints ... has helped create virtually a rule-free zones sanctioned with the American flag and fire power ... US included alongside China, Russia, Columbia, Uzbekistan and others as states that claim anti-terrorism to justify gross violations ..."
Studs "Tell The President To Bugger Off!" Terkel:
"Having been blacklisted from working in television during the McCarthy era, I know the harm of government using private corporations to intrude into the lives of innocent Americans."
(n.b. - see Studs' Daily Show appearance here.)
Colbert To Delay's Rescue:
"A good sign that Tom DeLay doesn’t have the facts on his side: the top source for his latest defense against his critics is Stephen Colbert ... DeLay’s legal defense fund sent out a mass email criticizing the movie “The Big Buy: Tom DeLay’s Stolen Congress,” by “Outfoxed” creator Robert Greenwald. The email features a “one-pager on the truth behind Liberal Hollywood’s the Big Buy,” and the lead item is Colbert’s interview with Greenwald on Comedy Central."
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