PLUS Privacy:
"Too many wrongly characterize the debate as 'security versus privacy.' The real choice is liberty versus control. Tyranny, whether it arises under threat of foreign physical attack or under constant domestic authoritative scrutiny, is still tyranny. Liberty requires security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Widespread police surveillance is the very definition of a police state. And that's why we should champion privacy even when we have nothing to hide."

Decoding Rove's Scam of Religious Right:
"Politicians ... in the Karl Rove camp, seem to believe that voters of 'faith' are suckers who can be lured into the big tent and then abandoned once their votes and campaign cash have been pocketed by the party for secular profit ... Like the Bush era, the cynical Rove strategy of exploiting faith-based voters may be nearing its end."
More (CLASSIFIED) Bush F**k-ups In Iraq:
"... the Bush administration's Keystone Kops approach to training police in Iraq might as well be an encyclopedia entry for 'FUBAR.' Three different groups wrote plans that nobody on the ground ever heard of; the number of trainers was laughably minuscule to start with and got even more laughable over time; and nobody really seemed to care much because they didn't figure we'd be staying around for long anyway. It's the usual story with this gang."
Criminal Neglect By GOP Congress Kills 5 More Miners:
"An explosion at an eastern Kentucky coal mine killed five miners Saturday ... eaths bring the grim toll of coal miners killed on the job this year to 31 ... it would be criminal neglect for the U.S. Congress to continue to fail to pass mine safety reform legislation. The foot-dragging has got to stop."
Russert For Deputy Press Secretary?
"Meet the Press hosts Sec/State Condoleezza Rice, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA). Where are the Democrats? No Dems for a second week in a row ..."
Bush Hikes Tax On College Savings By $2.2 Billion:
"The Bush administration and the Do Nothing Republican Congress might believe that the American people will put up with their corporatist shenanigans, but they are wrong. The damage of this bill has been done -- Americans will soon see that the Beltway Republicans will do anything to appease their extremely wealthy donors, including trampling on teenagers saving for college ... and soon the GOP is going to have to account for its backward policies."
"Too many wrongly characterize the debate as 'security versus privacy.' The real choice is liberty versus control. Tyranny, whether it arises under threat of foreign physical attack or under constant domestic authoritative scrutiny, is still tyranny. Liberty requires security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Widespread police surveillance is the very definition of a police state. And that's why we should champion privacy even when we have nothing to hide."

Decoding Rove's Scam of Religious Right:
"Politicians ... in the Karl Rove camp, seem to believe that voters of 'faith' are suckers who can be lured into the big tent and then abandoned once their votes and campaign cash have been pocketed by the party for secular profit ... Like the Bush era, the cynical Rove strategy of exploiting faith-based voters may be nearing its end."
More (CLASSIFIED) Bush F**k-ups In Iraq:
"... the Bush administration's Keystone Kops approach to training police in Iraq might as well be an encyclopedia entry for 'FUBAR.' Three different groups wrote plans that nobody on the ground ever heard of; the number of trainers was laughably minuscule to start with and got even more laughable over time; and nobody really seemed to care much because they didn't figure we'd be staying around for long anyway. It's the usual story with this gang."
Criminal Neglect By GOP Congress Kills 5 More Miners:
"An explosion at an eastern Kentucky coal mine killed five miners Saturday ... eaths bring the grim toll of coal miners killed on the job this year to 31 ... it would be criminal neglect for the U.S. Congress to continue to fail to pass mine safety reform legislation. The foot-dragging has got to stop."
Russert For Deputy Press Secretary?
"Meet the Press hosts Sec/State Condoleezza Rice, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA). Where are the Democrats? No Dems for a second week in a row ..."
Bush Hikes Tax On College Savings By $2.2 Billion:
"The Bush administration and the Do Nothing Republican Congress might believe that the American people will put up with their corporatist shenanigans, but they are wrong. The damage of this bill has been done -- Americans will soon see that the Beltway Republicans will do anything to appease their extremely wealthy donors, including trampling on teenagers saving for college ... and soon the GOP is going to have to account for its backward policies."
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