Working Hard To Keep The Vote White:
"This is a fact: On November 2, 2004, in the State of Ohio, 239,127 votes for President of the United States were dumped, rejected, blocked, lost and left to rot uncounted. And not just anyone's vote. Dive into the electoral dumpster and these "spoiled" votes have a very dark color indeed. In another life, I taught statistics. And these statistics stank: the raw data tells us that if you are a Black voter, the chance of you losing your vote to technical errors in voting machinery is 900% higher than if you were a white voter ... Two million ballots were cast but not counted in the 2000 race. (Over half, 54%, were cast by African-Americans.) In 2004, the GOP kicked it up to THREE million. Get ready, these guys aim high: 'four in '06' and 'five in '08' looks to be their game plan."
Where Have You Surfed In The Past 2 Years? Big Brother Wants To Know:
"... unprecedented call by the Bush administration for (Internet and telephone companies) to keep detailed records of customers' online activities for two years. The request by Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III would dramatically expand the government's ability to track what people do online and with whom they communicate ... disclosure this year that the Justice Department had solicited potentially billions of online search queries ... and that the National Security Agency had requested calling records of virtually all U.S. customers ... Justice Department wants information linking those online to the Internet addresses assigned to personal computers. In addition, it wants data tying those Internet addresses to destinations on the Web and to e-mail sent and received ..."

Rampant Cesspool Of Lies:
"... the cesspool of lies, secrecy, corruption and overspending is so rampant in Republican-run Washington that nobody has a clue about the real state of our fiscal affairs ... Republican congressional lawmakers and leaders are making vital decisions, involving far-reaching policies and billions of dollars, without the public -- or even congressional Democrats -- present ... an entire culture in the Bush administration and its enabling Republican Congress that refuses to come clean in any forum on price tags - or anything else ..."
Latest Zogby: 70% Wrong Direction Unprecedented:
"(Zogby) said 70% of voters believe the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction, adding, 'I have never seen a number like that since I’ve been polling' ... 68% of voters believe the war in Iraq wasn’t worth the loss of American lives ... Republicans are swimming upstream, they have a hell of a lot of work to do ... Bush is so unpopular he can’t help Republican candidates get elected this year ..."
Probe Of GOP Bribery & Corruption Widens:
"Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA), Chairman of the House Appropriations committee, is now under criminal investigation as part of the expanded Duke Cunningham probe ... one of Lewis' key staffers-turned-lobbyists, Letitia White ... too has become a focus of investigators. She left Lewis' employ to go work for Congressman-turned-lobbyist Bill Lowery, who's deep into the Brent Wilkes-Duke Cunningham-nogoodnik network."
Southern Greens Plan Major Impeachment Rally:
"Is Bush’s impeachment assured? We Greens don’t believe the question is one of likely success, but of what the Constitution demands. When the President and his cohorts break the most fundamental laws of our nation, the very Constitution itself, questions of success or failure are irrelevant. Either we stand for and by the Constitution or we give up on the idea ..."
Impeachment Delegation Heads To Convention:
"... Delegate Anthony Palmer of Hudson is going to try to impeach the president. Palmer hopes the thousands of Democratic delegates will vote on a resolution he crafted calling for the U.S. House of Representatives to impeach President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney ... for, among other things, their handling of the war in Iraq. Palmer needs 50 delegates to sign on the resolution by noon today for it to be voted on by all the delegates in the afternoon. He said he had 27 signatures yesterday afternoon, before he ventured to the DCU Center in Worcester for the kickoff of the Democratic State Convention ..."
"This is a fact: On November 2, 2004, in the State of Ohio, 239,127 votes for President of the United States were dumped, rejected, blocked, lost and left to rot uncounted. And not just anyone's vote. Dive into the electoral dumpster and these "spoiled" votes have a very dark color indeed. In another life, I taught statistics. And these statistics stank: the raw data tells us that if you are a Black voter, the chance of you losing your vote to technical errors in voting machinery is 900% higher than if you were a white voter ... Two million ballots were cast but not counted in the 2000 race. (Over half, 54%, were cast by African-Americans.) In 2004, the GOP kicked it up to THREE million. Get ready, these guys aim high: 'four in '06' and 'five in '08' looks to be their game plan."
Where Have You Surfed In The Past 2 Years? Big Brother Wants To Know:
"... unprecedented call by the Bush administration for (Internet and telephone companies) to keep detailed records of customers' online activities for two years. The request by Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III would dramatically expand the government's ability to track what people do online and with whom they communicate ... disclosure this year that the Justice Department had solicited potentially billions of online search queries ... and that the National Security Agency had requested calling records of virtually all U.S. customers ... Justice Department wants information linking those online to the Internet addresses assigned to personal computers. In addition, it wants data tying those Internet addresses to destinations on the Web and to e-mail sent and received ..."

Rampant Cesspool Of Lies:
"... the cesspool of lies, secrecy, corruption and overspending is so rampant in Republican-run Washington that nobody has a clue about the real state of our fiscal affairs ... Republican congressional lawmakers and leaders are making vital decisions, involving far-reaching policies and billions of dollars, without the public -- or even congressional Democrats -- present ... an entire culture in the Bush administration and its enabling Republican Congress that refuses to come clean in any forum on price tags - or anything else ..."
Latest Zogby: 70% Wrong Direction Unprecedented:
"(Zogby) said 70% of voters believe the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction, adding, 'I have never seen a number like that since I’ve been polling' ... 68% of voters believe the war in Iraq wasn’t worth the loss of American lives ... Republicans are swimming upstream, they have a hell of a lot of work to do ... Bush is so unpopular he can’t help Republican candidates get elected this year ..."
Probe Of GOP Bribery & Corruption Widens:
"Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA), Chairman of the House Appropriations committee, is now under criminal investigation as part of the expanded Duke Cunningham probe ... one of Lewis' key staffers-turned-lobbyists, Letitia White ... too has become a focus of investigators. She left Lewis' employ to go work for Congressman-turned-lobbyist Bill Lowery, who's deep into the Brent Wilkes-Duke Cunningham-nogoodnik network."
Southern Greens Plan Major Impeachment Rally:
"Is Bush’s impeachment assured? We Greens don’t believe the question is one of likely success, but of what the Constitution demands. When the President and his cohorts break the most fundamental laws of our nation, the very Constitution itself, questions of success or failure are irrelevant. Either we stand for and by the Constitution or we give up on the idea ..."
Impeachment Delegation Heads To Convention:
"... Delegate Anthony Palmer of Hudson is going to try to impeach the president. Palmer hopes the thousands of Democratic delegates will vote on a resolution he crafted calling for the U.S. House of Representatives to impeach President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney ... for, among other things, their handling of the war in Iraq. Palmer needs 50 delegates to sign on the resolution by noon today for it to be voted on by all the delegates in the afternoon. He said he had 27 signatures yesterday afternoon, before he ventured to the DCU Center in Worcester for the kickoff of the Democratic State Convention ..."
r.f.k. jr. was on wolffiiees show yesterday with some rieghtwingnut and it was quite a show to see 3 people taking about our most basic right as a citizen and only one had brains enough to see the truth
the illegal elections are NOT being brought to the ATTENTION of the PUBLIC via the MSM......all we hear is fearmongering and lost blonde girls .... MSM is commiting TREASON
yeah, c&l has the videolink (
the problem here is as always with msm ... chronic "he said, she said", each side gets equal time, rather than investigative journalism.
blitzer wouldn't know investigative journalism if it bit him in the ass, introduced itself, and bit him in the ass again.
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