Thursday, June 08, 2006

Sexual Psychosis

In the debate over "protecting the sanctity of marriage," some more ignorant but equally ludicrous claims about sexuality have sprung forth from GOP's, mouths. Republican Senator Jim Inhofe claimed from the well of the Senate that he had no homosexuals in his family. Stonewall Democrats press release. Given the fact that current estimates put the rate of homosexuality at between 3 and 4 percent, such a statement is most likely untrue. It is sad that in our current political climate a U.S. Senator could feel comfortable standing before his colleagues and stating with pride at the lack of homosexuals among his peeps. While not a "battleground" state in the war over homosexual rights, Okies have waged their own fights, including one lesbian couple who was married in the sovereign Cherokee nation, which caused quite a furor throughout Indian Territory. The couple hoped to circumvent Oklahoma's ban on gay marriage that passed in 2004 after facing difficulties when they weren't recognized as a legal couple. Won't it be wonderful when one day we can all stand hand-in-hand, sing "Kum By Yah" (or that song that that Whos sing on Christmas morning), and forget about all of this fear over what our neighbor does in the privacy of their bedrooms? To tell the truth, I am quite freaked out about what my neighbors do in their bedrooms, but they're all straight. Ugh. I shudder at the thought. J. Mc.


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