Monday, July 28, 2008

(High) Crimes and Misdemeanors

From the good people at

Each scandal is represented by a colored circle that encompasses the people who are implicated. As it's easy to see, many of the players here are mixed up in two, three, or more of the alleged crimes. Hence all the overlapping circles (Venn-diagram heaven!).


Blogger The Resurrectionist said...

Building a case for impeachment based on how the President tricked us into going to war would never come to pass under any circumstances. That case would simply be too hard to prove without being bogged down in the details. What Bush should have been impeached for was his attempt to violate, pervert, subvert, and destroy the Constitution of the United States through the introduction of the treasonous Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act. This of course is never given as a reason for impeachment because, although the Bush administration wrote and introduced these acts of treason, it was the Democratic Party who made it possible for these treasonous acts to pass into law. So Bush, and the Republican Party, could not be brought up for treason without having the Democratic Party, and its leadership, being exposed as complicit partners in that treason. This is why the Speaker of the House has made it plain that she had no intention of starting impeachment hearings against Bush and Cheney. Both the Reps and the Dems would have been found guilty because both ARE guilty.
This is why I will not vote for any Republican or any Democrat for any office ever again.
I did enjoy reading your Blog. Thanks for your time.

August 23, 2008 at 10:32:00 PM PDT  

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