Thursday, April 27, 2006

Josh Marshall:
"Would the president look better after a new look at the Iraq intel bamboozlement that wasn't controlled by Sen. Roberts? How about an investigation into the executive branch side of the Abramoff scandal? What about a look into the Plame affair? What about the folks in Rumsfeld's office who knew about Duke's corruption but looked the other way ? ... the Bush administration has built up a very big backlog of bad acts ... the White House can't afford to lose either house of Congress."

"Looking at the substance of what Rove is saying, he still appears to be screwed ... I can't see anyway that Rove can escape perjury charges. Maybe he can avoid obstruction charges and maybe there is some way that his testimony makes sense as a legal defense. But I'm not seeing it."

Josh Marshall:
"How it really works?  Karl Rove calls President Bush in for a meeting."

Scot J. Paltrow:
"Federal prosecutors are investigating whether two contractors implicated in the bribery of former Rep. Randall "Duke" Cunningham supplied him with prostitutes and free use of a limousine and hotel suites, pursuing evidence that could broaden their long-running inquiry ...  investigators are focusing on whether any other members of Congress, or their staffs, may also have used the same free services ..."

Steve Clemons (to Porter Goss):
"You are completely out of line and have forgotten what your oath to this nation was all about  ... Your harrassment of former CIA staff is unacceptable and your attempts to stifle the civil society of this country is antithetical to what democracy is about."

John Nichols:
"In Pennsylvania, state Sen. Jim Ferlo, D-Pittsburgh, has launched a public campaign urging his constituents to sign petitions calling for Congress to launch an impeachment inquiry. Ferlo, a former Pittsburgh City Council president, says it's entirely appropriate for state officials and citizens to add their voices to the impeachment debate."


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