Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Bigger Fish Will Fry in Cunningham Bribery Scandal:
"... the regional head of DOD's in-house investigative service ... on the record that someone isn't cooperating and that the scandal is much bigger than anyone thinks ... Who's (Duke Cunningham) protecting? And what would make him think he's better off keeping quiet than telling investigators what they want to know?"

The Most-Hated Administration Ever:
"The sour public mood that has led to decreases in ratings of the president, Congress, and overall national satisfaction is seemingly sparing no one affiliated with the Republican Party. The public's ratings of Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld have hit new lows. Americans' views of key Bush adviser Karl Rove have also been increasingly negative."

Cheney-Halliburton War Profiteering:
"Cheney’s former employer has a long history of benefitting from his contacts in government ..."

Halliburton Stock Rise During Iraq War

Desecration Provides Generations of Fun for Bushes:
"A Yale University historian has uncovered a 1918 letter that seems to lend validity to the lore that (members of) Yale University's secret Skull and Bones society ... including President Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush — dug up Geronimo's grave."

"Which is Bush: Bonesman or Christian? Any true Christian would renounce ties to an organization in which they had robbed graves, stolen for the brotherhood, drank blood from a skull, sang songs of loyalty to the devil, etc. But Bush has refused to do this, continuing in the benefits of membership without renouncing his association with this immoral, Machiavellian clan."

(More in Christian Words, Unchristian Actions: George W. Bush and the Desecration of Christianity in Modern America)


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