Friday, May 05, 2006

Dan Froomkin (Washington Post):
"For more than a year, the polls have consistently been showing that a majority of Americans don't find Bush honest and trustworthy ... And yet ... the mainstream press ... have allowed that fundamental issue to go unexplored.  What Colbert was saying about the guy sitting a few feet away from him -- and I think this is what made so many people in that room uncomfortable -- was: Don't believe a word he says."

Al Neuharth (USA Today):
"(Three years ago) the president's overall approval rating was 71%. Now, in the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll it is 34% ... That 34% represents mostly unshakeable far-right wingers. Like Bush, Vice President Cheney and company, they are in denial. As were the 24% in the polls who still approved of President Richard Nixon before he resigned in disgrace."

Ron Fournier (Associated Press):
"Six months out, the intensity of opposition to Bush and Congress has risen sharply, along with the percentage of Americans who believe the nation is on the wrong track.  The AP-Ipsos poll also suggests that Democratic voters are far more motivated than Republicans."

Josh Marshall (Talking Points Memo):
"(The Moussaoui case was) a tacit conspiracy between a Justice Department desperate to prosecute someone for 9/11 and a homicidal madman eager to be martyred ... at least three of the jurors decided that even though Moussaoui is a very bad guy, and probably would have loved to have been in on the plot, the government's case was just bogus."

georgia10 (DailyKos):
"... Senator Frist is scrambling to throw red-meat to the base--if Republicans stay home on Election day, Democrats will take the House and make gains in the Senate.  Pissed off Republicans may pout and stay home. Pissed off Democrats and Independents may storm the voting booths and throw the bums out."

Crooks and Liars:
"Ray McGovern, who was in the CIA for twenty seven years asked (Rumsfeld) why he lied about the run-up to the Iraq war. Rumsfeld then proceeded to lie to McGovern to cover up his earlier statements about WMD's being in Iraq."

and, from the "pitiful and ridiculous" department, Kevin Drum (Washington Monthly) notes:
"Apparently Laura Bush defended her hubby yesterday by telling CNN's John King that when he gave a nationally televised speech under a "Mission Accomplished" banner on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln three years ago, he only meant that the mission of that particular aircraft carrier had been accomplished."


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