Monday, May 01, 2006

Glenn Greenwald:
"Once the reality of the president's claimed lawbreaking powers starts to be truly discussed in our national political dialogue, I believe there will finally be accountability for what this administration has done ... scandals which harm or bring down a presidency do not develop overnight."

Josh Marshall:
"Be warned. The White House is now telling us that engineering a confrontation with Iran is a key part of their plan to resuscitate the president's dismal approval ratings in time to survive election day."

Kevin Drum:
"... why wasn't Bush willing to hit Zarqawi, a known al-Qaeda terrorist in a known location? Scheuer ... was told it was because Bush was afraid of annoying the French ... Others believe it was because Zarqawi was politically convenient: having him alive allowed Bush to pretend that Saddam was 'harboring terrorists,' thus providing useful ammunition for the war."

Jonathan Singer:
"We need the subpoena power ... I mean we as Americans. We need to make sure that our government is not undertaking nefarious activities in our name ... And given the fact that the Republican Congress appears to be wholly unwilling to fulfill its constitutional duties, we must do everything we can to ensure that there is Democratic leadership over the 110th Congress."

Arthur Silber:
"... the only reason you aren't in a concentration camp right now is because Bush hasn't decided to send you to one -- yet. But he claims he has the power to do so ..."

Jill Ferguson:
"While illegal alien immigration is an issue this country will need to deal with, this Administration has brought the problem up from the basement to divert our attention from the grave reality that we are engaged in a war that we have lost ... Make no mistake, the imminent threat to this country is the continuing and deliberate deception. We've been duped - that's the plain and painful truth."


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