Thursday, May 25, 2006

Justice Dept. Lying About Hastert Investigation?
"Despite flat and repeated denials from the Department of Justice, federal law enforcement officials…describe the 64-year-old Illinois Republican [Hastert] as ‘very much in the mix’ of the corruption investigation ..."

Bush Peddles More Iraq Lies For Political Gain:
"In his speech on Monday referring to another 'turning point,' President Bush twice spoke of 'victory.' 'Victory' is the constant theme he has adopted since last summer, when he hired public opinion specialist Peter Feaver for the National Security Council.  Feaver's research claims that the public will sustain military casualties so long as it is persuaded that they will lead to 'victory.' Bush clings to this P.R. formula to explain, at least to himself, the decline of his political fortunes."

In A Tail-Spin ... Eject The Pilot:
"Bush has not heeded the warnings and counsel of many and has led the nation into circumstances that are prompting allies to worry about our capabilities and prompting foes to move their national agendas as quickly as possible. Iran did not put us in our current circumstance. Nor did China. Nor did Russia, or Afaghanistan, or Pakistan, or the French.  America's actions -- more than any other nation -- have yielded the international environment we find ourselves in today, and we must get real about this -- and pull out of the tail-spin Bush has us in."

Fitzorial Day Weekend ... Throw Some Libby On The Barbie:
"Fitzgerald is clearly gung-ho to introduce Cheney's hand-annotated copy of Wilson's column into evidence at trial. Cheney had written on the article:  'Have they done this sort of thing before? Send an Amb to answer a question? Do we ordinarily send people out pro bono to work for us? Or did his wife send him on a junket?'  Fitz believes this blows a big hole in Libby's testimony ..."

Unimpeachable Case For Impeachment:
"The Founders envisioned a tripartite government in which Congress, elected directly by the people, legislates, and the President implements. This president has decided that he can assume the power to legislate, too, by deciding which laws, or portions of laws, passed by Congress, he will implement.  No nation where a leader claims and is allowed to exercise that kind of power can call itself democratic.  No party that allows such a usurpation to go unchallenged can call itself an opposition."

Convicted Felon Leading GOP Campaign School:
"If it weren't for Chuck McGee, there never would have been a New Hampshire phone jamming ... That's just the sort of original thinking that the next generation of conservative strategists needs. So no doubt they'll benefit when they show up for the 'GOP Campaign School' ... According to a flier ... the school is a two-day seminar, 'a nuts and bolts boot camp.' Most ominously, it promises to give students 'all the tools you need to win.'"

Tim Ryan Smackdown on GOP - Unable To Govern:
"You can't consistently run down government and then expect it to work."


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