Friday, October 13, 2006

It's The Corruption, Stupid - Part IV
"The Foley cover-up is just the tip of the iceberg. If the Democrats succeed in retaking Congress this fall, here are five investigations they should get started on right away ...
1. Who Lost Iraq? ... A congressional investigation into the Iraq war must make full use of subpoena power and must be prepared to forward findings of illegal acts to the Justice Department for possible criminal prosecution ...
2. Who Blew 9/11? ... Congressional sources have suggested that Saudi spooks may have been sent to California to keep tabs on Saudi students who might be tempted by democratic ideas; it has also been speculated that some of these undercover agents could have become enmeshed with Al Qaeda. In any event, the White House has adamantly refused to declassify 28 pages of the final committee report that dealt with Saudi Arabia ...
3. How Wide Is The Domestic Surveillance Net? ... What are the true motivations and outcomes of this surveillance? How much money is going into spying programs? There is much evidence that domestic intelligence gathering is not limited to the infamous NSA surveillance project ...
4. Is Big Oil pulling an Enron? ... An investigation would subpoena internal company documents and take testimony from oil executives under oath -- not just in an "unsworn" chitchat like the sideshow put on by the Senate commerce and energy committees last year -- to discover whether the companies conspired to rig prices or manipulate supply ...
5. Who's making money off your retirement? ... The Securities and Exchange Commission is supposed to regulate mutual funds, which handle most 401(k) money; the SEC has nowhere near the resources to keep tabs on the $9 trillion business, so policing is largely left up to the funds themselves ... We need to understand who controls the money in 401(k)s, what the hidden costs are, and to what extent these accounts are threatened by Wall Street conflicts of interest...

BONUS: Grounds For Impeachment? Congressional investigators digging into the aforementioned questions cannot ignore the possibility of impeachment proceedings against Vice President Cheney, who figures prominently in almost every one of the scandals engulfing the administration ...