"Others are convinced there is a good case against Bush based on the 2002 Downing Street memo — revealed by The Sunday Times — in which Richard Dearlove, then head of M16, said “the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy” of removing Saddam Hussein. Congressman John Conyers, the senior Democrat who took part in Watergate proceedings against President Richard Nixon in 1974, has called for a committee of inquiry into the grounds for impeachment."
Resignations Threatened In DOJ Congress Raid
"... Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, his deputy, and the FBI director all hinted that they were ready to quit over the raid of a Democratic congressman's office ... within the administration there was a significant battle ... resignations were averted by agreeing to a 45-day "cooling-off period" where the evidence seized in the raid would be sealed."
Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney: Shoot First, Diplomacy Later
"Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger ... raised the possibility that the recent rambling letter from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to President Bush ... could be seen as an opportunity to open contacts ... Both Richard N. Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations and a former top aide to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, and Richard L. Armitage, the former deputy secretary of state under Mr. Powell, have also advocated talks with Iran ...President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld have opposed direct talks, even through informal back channels ..."
Bush-Enron-Ken Lay Connection Ran Deep - Beyond 9-11
"... the Bush-can't-be-bought spin was never true ... evidence is now clear that in summer 2001 - at the same time Bush's National Security Council was ignoring warnings about an impending al-Qaeda terrorist attack - NSC adviser Condoleezza Rice was personally overseeing a government-wide task force to pressure India to give Enron as much as $2.3 billion ... even after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, when India's cooperation in the "war on terror" was crucial, the Bush administration kept up its full-court press to get India to pay Enron ... the pressure on India went up the chain of command to Vice President Dick Cheney, who personally pushed Enron's case, and to Bush himself, who planned to lodge a complaint with India's prime minister ..."
Is He Drinking AGAIN?

(Hat tip to Digby)