Saturday, April 21, 2007

Can You Hear Me Now?


I'm sorry, but everyone who has touched this administration is dirty to the core.

Paul Wolfowitz: I know Paul Wolfowitz. And I can say this about him: there's a lot of nefarious conspiracy theorizing going on about the man, but what this World Bank brouhaha brings to the surface is the fact that he is basically a horn dog. He is, like a lot of Ayn Rand fans, driven by his penis first and his dedication to the movement a not-so-close second. And there's the rub ... you can really, really believe in anti-corruption measures, and the importance of crushing nepotism to support development in Africa, but at the end of the day if you want to take care of your woman, you're going to throw all that anti-nepotism crap out the window, because at the end of the day she's got what you want.

Alberto Gonzales: Well, shit. I don't really have to say anything else, do I? Read for yourself. Note that the best thing anyone can say about him these days is that he's loyal. But then look at whom he's loyal to ...

Dick Cheney: Corrupt, and a bad influence to boot. And before anyone cries "too soon" on the VA Tech reference, go do your Cheney homework.

I could go on and on (Claude Allen, Jack Abramoff - the list is long - but have to stop so I can:

a) throw up
b) cry for a while
c) prepare a decent memorial service for the Constitution, since this administration is killing it.

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