We Are F**ked.
"…And even if we're able to constrain discretionary spending for the next ten years to the rate of inflation, which we haven't for a long time, we still face large and growing structural deficits in the years ahead. Bottom line? The status quo is unacceptable and unsustainable. We're on an imprudent and unsustainable fiscal path. Tough choices are required. We will not be able to grow our way out of this problem. Anybody who says that suffers from two problems. Number one, they have not studied economic history adequately; and number two; they probably wouldn't do real well at math. Because the numbers just don't add up." (emphasis added)
Of course, we know that our current president hasn't studied ANYTHING adequately, and that he is no good at math. Jeebus. Situations like this one are the reason we have the ability to impeach, people. Get crackin'.
Update: a little graphic summary of Bush's impact on our national budget: