Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bush's Shadow Army

An interesting read on the private security firm, Blackwater USA:
While the initial inquiries into Blackwater have focused on the complex labyrinth of secretive subcontracts under which it operates in Iraq, a thorough investigation into the company reveals a frightening picture of a politically connected private army that has become the Bush Administration's Praetorian Guard.
On top of it all, Cheney is now moving his investments overseas. Even Halliburton is jumping ship to Dubai.
The rape of the United States is almost complete, and it's time for these scumbags to move on to greener pastures, complete with their own private army.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I Feel Dirty

The more I read about the Bush adminstration, the dirtier I feel. Seriously, I feel like I need to scrub me, and my whole country, for hours - days even - to get the stench of BushCo corruption out of our collective skin.

Don't believe me? Try a little Google News tour through the Bush Administration:

Karl Rove: Linked to early query over dismissals ...
Alberto Gonzales: Emerging as Bush's creation ...
Dick Cheney: The president, the purge, and the politicization of justice ...
Scooter Libby: Just the tip of the iceberg ...

The list goes on, as do the sordid details of this most corrupt of administrations' miscarriages of justice, abuses of power, and assaults against the dignity and integrity of the highest offices of the United States government.

It was time to impeach these bastards five years ago, but it is not too late to do it now.